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Average Starting Salaries of Public School Teachers Compared With Salaries in Private Industry, By Selected Position:1975-1988 Item & Position 1975 1980 1985 1987 1988 Salaries (Dollars) Teachers(1) 8,233 10,764 15,460 17,500 (NA) College graduates: Engineering 12,744 20,136 26,880 28,932 29,820 Accounting 11,880 15,720 20,628 22,512 24,324 Sales-marketing 10,344 15,936 20,616 20,232 22,848 Business administration 9,768 14,100 19,896 21,972 22,920 Liberal arts(2) 9,312 13,296 18,828 20,508 22,596 Chemistry 11,904 17,124 24,216 27,048 25,692 Mathematics-statistics 10,980 17,604 22,704 25,548 26,112 Economics-finance 10,212 14,472 20,964 21,984 23,136 Computer science (NA) 17,712 24,156 26,280 27,372 Index (1975=100) Teachers(1) 100 131 187 213 (NA) College graduates: Engineering 100 158 211 227 234 Accounting 100 132 174 189 205 Sales-marketing 100 154 199 196 221 Business administration 100 144 204 225 234 Liberal arts(2) 100 143 202 220 243 Chemistry 100 144 203 227 216 Mathematics-statistics 100 160 207 233 238 Economics-finance 100 142 205 215 226 Computer science(3) (NA) 125 171 186 194 NA=Not available. 1. Estimate. Minimum mean salary. Source:National Education Assoc., Washington, D.C. 2. Excludes Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science. 3. Computer science index (1978=100). Source:Except as noted, Northwestern University Placement Center, Evanston, IL.